Digital Marketing Action Plan
Online certifications
Demonstrate self-learing

HubSpot Academy Online Certifications
Create an account using your personal gmail. YOU MUST have your URL from your webpage in order to create an account!!!
Highly recommended to take notes while listening. There are 12 sections about 20 minutes each with a 5 question quiz at the end of each section.
There are 4.5 hours of lessons with a 2 hour 60 question exam at the end. minutes.
There is also a study guide to help you prepare for the test.
9 Team-Building Strategies
This is your News Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors with industry insights, business tips or additional success stories. You can also use this space to publish relevant updates and link to helpful resources for your visitors. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your article or add a video for extra engagement!

Curious to learn more? Contact me as soon as possible.